Chronically Kree – Charity Stream

KrazyKree from Kree ‘n’ Lermz here! For those of you who don’t know, we are hosting a charity stream tomorrow on our Twitch channel With this event, we are hoping to change the conversation and use our platform to inform and share our story. I suffer from many auto-immune medical conditions (commonly referred to as invisible illnesses), so w

e specifically wanted to choose an organization that focuses on helping others with invisible illnesses. My husband, TheLermz, and I decided to support the Arthritis and Chronic Pain Research Institute ( because they support biomedical research directed towards understanding chronic pain and its causes and helping with scientific collaborations to advance medical solutions for idiopathic pain.

Check out our donation page on the JustGiving website here:

Check out our donation incentives graphic to see how we are raising money! – Kree ‘n’ Lermz receive $1.00 per 100 bits (with the rest of the money kept by Twitch), all bits given during the donation will be forwarded to JustGiving from the couple at the end of the stream. – Kree ‘n’ Lermz receive $2.50 per subscription (with the rest of the money going to Twitch), all subs made during the stream will be forwarded to JustGiving from the couple at the end of the stream.

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Kreenlermz - LermzyKreeations