Please comment with any known (bad) bots that you have encountered on Twitch!
I made a google doc with a list of bots to ban that are related to hate raids, steal IP addresses, or have spammed in chats. I am not a master programmer or anything so I don’t have anything to tell if the bots are already deleted/banned by twitch. Some of these we already had listed above ^^^ but many still exist and I’m constantly updating my document. I’m trying to find the best way to update people so they can keep track of added bots but my best suggestion is to do the following:
-Go to the link
-Make a copy of the document
-Save your copy of the document
-Utilize the left column to mark off when you’ve banned a bot
– Check back from time to time and reference the “Last updated” cell
– Anytime the document has been updated, you can filter by “date added” and you can ban the new bots from your channel
^Note that the date added column is separated from the rest of the text line so that you can copy column B to D for each bot listed directly into your stream chat and ban each bot individually. This comes from the following Twitch command: [command] [user] [reason (optional)]
Please comment with any known (bad) bots that you have encountered on Twitch!